Most orders will ship 6th January, 2025, if not before.

Some orders will ship directly from the importer. We have done our best to ensure stock availability but this may change while they are shut down for the Christmas break.


Covid Protection Framework (traffic light system)

On Friday 3rd December NZ will move into the Covid Protection Framework (traffic light system).

Love Music, like most general retail shops, will NOT be requiring vaccine certificates.

As a general retail shop, we have the same legal requirements under the Red and Orange restrictions. This doesn’t relate to someone’s vaccination status. Effectively it is the same as operating at level 2.
- Masks are mandatory unless the customer has an exemption pass.
- Signing in is strongly recommended but not mandatory.
- And the main change is that we are required to limit the number of customers in the store so they can maintain a 1m distance – currently, we just ask customers to stay 2m from other groups. In our store that means we need to limit it to 8 customers in-store.

What will not be accepted is anger at staff enforcing these legal requirements. I understand this is a contentious issue for some people on both sides of this issue. What we have chosen to do is the law.

Please remember, be kind and we'll all get through this together.

Covid-19 Response

COVID-19 Lockdown September 2021

Under delta level 2 rules things will look a little different at Love Music (and all retail shops!) then we're used to. The main thing is that it is now mandatory to wear a mask when you go into any shop - and staff in-store will also be wearing a mask. 
We must keep 2 meters between staff and different customer groups. 
And it is strongly recommended that you either scan in or sign in manually when you visit. This is mandatory in many places - and I suspect it will be at smaller shops soon also. This information is kept solely for the purpose of contact tracing - not marketing.
If you feel uncomfortable coming into the shop our online shop is a great option. We ship all over NZ (even into Auckland!). We are also continuing to offer free local contactless deliveries in Taupo (Acacia Bay - Wharewaka - Huka Heights). Our online shop is


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